速報APP / 攝影 / ColorCatch - Identify & Match

ColorCatch - Identify & Match



檔案大小:15.6 MB


版本需求:系統需求:iOS 12.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。


ColorCatch - Identify & Match(圖1)-速報App

Your personal matchmaker for colors. Simply point your camera to an object and get the average color of the pixels inside the yellow box. You can additionally change the brightness and saturation of the video feed as well as explore the color by changing the RGB values using a color wheel.

ColorCatch - Identify & Match(圖2)-速報App


ColorCatch - Identify & Match(圖3)-速報App

Freely change the size of the yellow box to match the granularity that you desire. A bigger box will cover more pixels, therefore the average color will be broader. If a more specific color of a smaller area is required, simply drag the box to smaller size.

ColorCatch - Identify & Match(圖4)-速報App

Not getting the exact color you want? ColorCatch lets you adjust the brightness and saturation of the video feed to get you the exact color that you want. Further tailor your experience by turning on the light on your phone.

ColorCatch - Identify & Match(圖5)-速報App


ColorCatch - Identify & Match(圖6)-速報App

Sometimes getting the hex value is not enough. When pointing your camera to a color, ColorCatch gives you the name, as well as the confidence value, of a common color that it is most similar to.

ColorCatch - Identify & Match(圖7)-速報App


ColorCatch - Identify & Match(圖8)-速報App

Click the big, grey button to save a color. Once saved, ColorCatch gives you the ability to analyze and explore the color by letting you look at it on a color wheel, change the red, green, and blue components, and take notes.

ColorCatch - Identify & Match(圖9)-速報App

ColorCatch is in active development. If you have any suggestions or questions, feel free to email jikigi12@gmail.com.